Security is our top priority. We utilize the technical services of well-known and highly secure payment processors Razorpay.Com to handle all financial transactions on the site. Razorpay is a technology-first online payments company that employs a ‘no stones unturned’ approach to safeguarding the interest of both the online businesses who use their products, as well as their consumers. As a payment provider, Razorpay uses the highest assurance SSL certificate on its website, which is the EV SSL (Extended Validity SSL) certificate. Being a PCI-DSS compliance company - on the Razorpay payment gateway, all the details entered by a user like their name, address, and credit/debit card information are used only to process and complete the order. Razorpay never stores sensitive information like CVV numbers, PINs, etc. For more information, visit
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Modified on: Sat, 17 Feb, 2024 at 3:02 PM
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